About Us

About Us

Our organization – (ARTIST) Asian Research & Training Institute for Skill Transfer is a premier institute for learning, research and skill transfer that taps in on top-notch medical professionals and technology. ARTIST has been implementing several women’s health programs since its inception in 2005, in several parts of the country. We have proven expertise and success in several women’s health projects all over India, including in Karnataka and 14 other states, transforming the future of women’s healthcare through digital skill transfer.


A group of expert healthcare professional, leaders of professional organisations (national and international) key opinion makers , researchers and academicians , leading clinicians in practice – this is the mix of the best resources under one umbrella.

Under the leadership of Dr. Hema Divakar, Chairman and CEO, and Dr. Divakar G.V, the Managing Director of ARTIST, the institute has a mission to offer cost-effective training without a compromise on quality, through onsite teaching at Skill Gurukool and blended skill transfer programs througha  digital platform.

Cutting Edge conferences are being hosted by team ARTIST since 2007.
The meetings have always focused exclusively on best practices for better outcomes in women’s health.